Theresa Burke-Danforth Children & Families Memorial Fund

It is unimaginable. 51 years with Theresa Burke-Danforth is not enough. At Bay State Community Services (BSCS), we were blessed to have her as part of the BSCS family for 27 years. She was a clinician, supervisor, mentor, friend and champion for children and families. Theresa was the person you went to for encouragement, advice, support, honey, and to be heard. She always listened, really listened. When you were with Theresa, you knew that she cared, really cared, and connected in a way that always made you feel special, valued, and understood.

Theresa gave her whole self, no pretense, or pretending. And when it came to BSCS she loved the work and most importantly she loved the people around her. Theresa gave her entire career to helping others. She never wavered from this calling and helped thousands of families and children, supported hundreds of clinicians, distributed more holiday toys than can be counted, and left all who had the honor of knowing her as much better people.

For those of you who knew her, she never wanted to be in the spotlight; she was humble, kind, and fiercely committed to this work. Without her, BSCS would not be the agency it is today. What her staff needed was always her priority; she knew that she needed to take care of staff so that they could care for the families and children in our services. There was never a moment that she did not champion children and families, and never ever let anyone forget why we do this work and how we truly made a difference in their lives.

She was an amazing colleague, wonderful clinician, outstanding supervisor, and a dear friend who will be missed.

Your donation to the Theresa Burke-Danforth Memorial fund will help BSCS to continue what meant the most to Theresa: supporting children and families.

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